模块一:机器人运动学建模与仿真 四自由度分拣机器人运动学仿真(MATLAB) clc; clear all; % Define DH parameters for a 4-DOF robot DH = [ 0 pi/2 0.150 sym('q1'); 0.300 0 0 sym('q2'); 0 pi/2 0.300 sym('q3'); 0.035 0 0.220 sym('q4') ]; % Using Robotics System Toolbox to create a serial link manipulator object robot = robotics.SerialLinkManipulator(DH, 'Name', 'FourDOFPickAndPlace'); % Plot the initial configuration of the robot figure; show(robot); title('Initial Configuration of 4-DOF Pick and Place Robot'); % Calculate forward kinematics for given joint angles jointAngles = [0, pi/4, -pi/4, pi/6]; T = fk(robot, jointAngles); disp('Transformation matrix:'); disp(T); % Animate the robot moving through a set of configurations qPath = linspace([0, 0, 0, 0], jointAngles, 50); animate(robot, qPath); 模块二:机器人动力学与刚度建模 平面两杆机械臂动力学仿真(MATLAB & Simscape)首先在Simscape中创建机械臂模型,然后通过MATLAB脚本控制和分析其动力学特性。
% Load Simscape model of planar two-link arm open_system('planar_two_link_arm'); % Set up simulation parameters simTime = 10; % seconds initialJointAngles = [0, 0]; % radians targetJointAngles = [pi/4, pi/4]; % radians % Run simulation with varying joint torques as inputs for i = 1:100 set_param('planar_two_link_arm/Constant1', 'Value', num2str(i*0.1)); simOut = sim('planar_two_link_arm', 'StopTime', num2str(simTime)); % Extract results from workspace variables logged during simulation jointAngles{i} = simOut.logsout.get('JointAngles').Values.Data; end % Analyze results...以上只是简单的例子,如果你有特定的需求或疑问,请告诉我!