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BW-DR03 with ROS wrong direction control
Hi I’m Jaruwat form Thailand
I use BW-DR03 on Ubuntu ROS Melodic, pkg xqserial_server branches Lungu, connect with hub motor with True left wheel Ma1 H0 and right wheel Mb1 H1
I used Mtools for test BW-DR03 when I test on Open loop speed control mode positive PWM motor direction clockwise and PWM negative counterclockwise boths direction smooth
but when I connect BW-DR03 with ROS when I pub angular velocity robot direction is wrong such as positive angular velocity robot direction clockwise and negative angular velocity robot direction counterclockwise (no problem with linear velocity) how to solve this problem?
Thank you
Set this value to true. It means installation direction of bw_dr03. upwoard is true, downward is false.
@jarubank edit xqserial.launch file, change those two parameters “wheel_radius” and “max_speed” to the true value of your car.
above picture is true value of my car. I use Zltech hub motor 13 inch
@jarubank maxspeed = 2 * 1.224/0.5 = 4.896, so maybe 5 is the true value of maxspeed.
@xiaoqiang maxspeed = 300rpm = 5 rps
- topic:timeago_later,8天
@jarubank the nan is a wrong data. I have updated the code, added a nan value filter . Use git pull, get the new code, then catkin_make .
- topic:timeago_later,3月
@xiaoqiang BW-DR03 can break by electric break?
@jarubank no, the motor is braked by short circuit in BW-DR03
@xiaoqiang when /cmd_vel = 0 BW-DR03 will short circuit, right?
@jarubank right
- topic:timeago_later,2年
@jarubank dis you able to run your motors as expected. I am having issues with my 6.5 BLDC hoover motors non-brand.