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执行roslaunch bw_auto_dock xiaoqiang_local.launch
… logging to /home/wheeltec/.ros/log/00d4f7f6-87e0-11eb-a243-00044beac535/roslaunch-wheeltec-9099.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.started roslaunch server
- /dock_driver/back_distance: 0.25
- /dock_driver/back_dock_kd: 0.0
- /dock_driver/back_dock_ki: 0.04
- /dock_driver/back_dock_kp: 0.2
- /dock_driver/barDetectFlag: 0
- /dock_driver/crash_distance: 120
- /dock_driver/global_frame_id: map
- /dock_driver/grid_length: 4.0
- /dock_driver/max_linearspeed: 0.2
- /dock_driver/max_rotspeed: 1.0
- /dock_driver/port: /dev/ttyUSB004
- /dock_driver/power_scale: 1.0
- /dock_driver/power_threshold: 25.0
- /dock_driver/station_filename: /home/wheeltec/sl…
- /rosdistro: melodic
- /rosversion: 1.14.10
dock_driver (bw_auto_dock/bw_auto_dock)ROS_MASTER_URI=
输入Last login: Thu Mar 18 19:34:56 2021 from
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/dockposition_save std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/EnableCharge std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/EnableCharge std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
ERROR: Unable to communicate with master!
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/EnableCharge std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
ERROR: Unable to communicate with master!
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/EnableCharge std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/EnableCharge std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/dockposition_save std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/EnableCharge std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/EnableCharge std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/EnableCharge std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/dockposition_save std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
wheeltec@wheeltec:~$ rostopic pub /bw_auto_dock/EnableCharge std_msgs/Bool ‘{data: true}’ -1
publishing and latching message for 3.0 seconds
没有任何反应 -
@grouce 正常工作条件,launch中设置的里程计话题要正常发布,launch中设置的global_frame_id 到里程计的tf关系要发布。global_frame_id 可以设成odom,这样充电桩位置就是在odom坐标系下,不需要额外的tf,但是这样设置,下次会导致里程计重启后,充电桩位置不准确。
@grouce 还有话题和tf 的frame_id是不同的东西,可以叫同一个名字。比如odom这个单词,里程计坐标系可以叫odom,里程计话题也可以叫odom。