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xiaoqiang 发布的帖子
RE: BW-DR03 with ROS wrong direction control
@jarubank the nan is a wrong data. I have updated the code, added a nan value filter . Use git pull, get the new code, then catkin_make .
RE: BW-DR03 with ROS wrong direction control
@jarubank maxspeed = 2 * 1.224/0.5 = 4.896, so maybe 5 is the true value of maxspeed.
RE: BW-DR03 with ROS wrong direction control
@jarubank edit xqserial.launch file, change those two parameters “wheel_radius” and “max_speed” to the true value of your car.
RE: BW-DR03驱动器问题
@hxk426 https://community.bwbot.org/topic/2943/bw-dr03驱动器ros驱动包xqserial_server配置手册
RE: BW-DR03 with ROS wrong direction control
@jarubank Set this value to true. It means installation direction of bw_dr03. upwoard is true, downward is false.
RE: 求助,怎么用速腾聚创的16线雷达进行cartographer建图
@Duke-Allen https://community.bwbot.org/topic/524/谷歌cartographer直接使用速腾聚创3d激光雷达三维数据进行2d建图
RE: 小强ROS机器人教程(27)___bw_auto_dock自动充电功能包的使用和实现原理
@HarryLee 这些信息对解决问题没有什么帮助,调试程序,看程序卡在步骤5里面的哪个流程了,代码可以自己增加ros_error之类的输出语句,打印卡住部分的程序信息就能很快确定出问题
RE: 小强ROS机器人教程(27)___bw_auto_dock自动充电功能包的使用和实现原理
@HarryLee 只用提供launch和readme文件里面要求的值,用rqt_graph可以分析节点数据流,乱跑说明里程计有问题或者充电桩位置保存的有问题
RE: Ubuntu下电机驱动器无法调速
@chen_xk 这种问题只有你们自己才能解决了,肯定和你电机和接线有关。https://community.bwbot.org/topic/2943/bw-dr03驱动器ros驱动包xqserial_server配置手册
ROS驱动包代码:https://git.bwbot.org/publish/xqserial_server/-/tree/lungu #代码分支是lungu